ZHEROS GDC trailer

[sc_youtube style=”default” position=”below” width=”835″ height=”480″ video_id=”Mk2o0QwdTv0″]

ClienteRimlight Studio


Tipo: Video Game

Servizio realizzato: Composizione delle musiche di gioco originali, del trailer e del menù; creazione degli effetti audio dei personaggi e delle ambientazioni, Sound Design, Sound FX.

In San Francisco, in the first days of the past March, a trailer of the videogame “ZHEROS“, a game from Rimlight Studios, was presented at the Game Development Conference 2015. An hack & slash game, completely made in Italy, presented at GDC 2015 as part of the ID@Xbox program. It will be available in 2015 for Xbox One, PS4 and Windows. Dall’Ò composed the music for the launch trailer and returned from the U.S. experience he took on the rest of the soundtrack, which is the music that runs in loop in the early stages of the game and the one included in the menu of the videogame, meantime Vera Sorrentino developed the sound effect such the sound of the game and of the individual characters, as the voices, footsteps, fists, gunshots etc ..